Boise/Nampa Locations

How Can I Receive Personal Care services for myself or a loved one?
Allegiant Home Care would be happy to walk you through the steps of getting help.
Below is information on the steps to acquiring Personal Care Services. If you would rather talk to us, give us a call.
The office is open from 9am- 5pm and we are available after hours at 208-466-0987.
How do I know if I have Medicaid or if I qualify?
First things first, you need to know if you qualify for Medicaid.
If you are unsure, there is an application you can fill out. *Please see icons below*
We are happy to come out to your home and guide you in how to fill this out.
Once the application is filled out, you will need to send it in, there are three ways that you can send it in;
1. Fax
2. Mail
3. Going to your local Health and Welfare office.
You WILL need to have documents prepared to send to Health and Welfare. Below are some examples.
After it is filled out, it will take some time for the state to review your case. BE PATIENT, it will happen!
They will be sending you confirmation in the mail or contacting you if they need more information or to let you know if you are eligible or not.
What do I need?
Information we need to verify Examples of documents you need to provide
Your immigration status (if not a US citizen)
Copy of your Resident Alien Card (front and back)
Copy of a residency document issued by the Department of Homeland Security
Copy of paycheck stubs for the most recent 30 days
Work Verification form signed by your employer
Copy of your most recent tax forms, if self-employed (include all schedule forms)
Completed Self-Employment Verification form
Copy of statements or documents for income not earned from employment
(veterans benefits, out of state unemployment, retirement income, workers compensation) -
Statement or printout from Child Support agency
Signed statement from the person receiving child support payments
Copy of bank statements for the most recent 30 days
Printouts from your bank
(should include your name, account number, and balance) -
Copy of statements or other documents that prove the amount you owe on any vehicles
Printouts or statements that show current value of stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit, trust accounts, etc.
Child Support Expenses
Copy of paycheck stubs that show child support payments withheld
Copy of court documents showing the amount you are legally required to pay
Signed statement from the person receiving the child support payments
Copy of a statement showing the past 3 months income from the Child Support agency, if not paid through Idaho
Child Care Expenses
Dependent Care Charges form completed by the child care provider
Statement from your child care provider
Am I Eligible?
In order to receive assistance through the AABD program, you must complete the application process and meet certain eligibility requirements. You may be eligible for AABD Medicaid if you are:
65 years or older
Disabled per Social Security Standards
A U.S. Citizen or legal permanent resident
Within the applicable financial guidelines
Visit the Medicaid page for more information on basic programs. *See Button below*
Once You are Confirmed
You will get a confirmation letter in the mail, stating that you qualify for medicaid.
You will then need to call Medicaid Long Term Bureau of Care 208.455.7150. and ask for a PCS (Personal Care Services) Assessment. They will schedule out a time for the States Nurse Reviewer to come into your home.
A nurse reviewer from the state will come into your home and evaluate your situation, she will interview you on your abilities and fill out a report that she brings back with her. At the end of the interview she will be handing you a paper that includes all the care agencies in the surrounding areas and that is when you choose the company that you feel will best fit your needs. We Recommend calling and interviewing them to get the best fit.
We hope this has helped with the process of getting PCS services for you or your loved one! If you have any lingering questions, feel free to call us any time and we will do our best to make you feel confident in this process!
Click on the icon above to open an application for Medicaid assistance.
Click on the icon above to open a child care re-evaluation form.